Our Summary of January 2020

January has been an eventful month for StakerDAO, with launching on the mainnet, gathering the first council members and submitting our first proposal.



STKR and Staker Agora launched on Tezos Mainnet.
You can view the governance process here — StakerDAO Agora.

First 3 Council members were selected to the Council for an initial 1 year term:

Email: Jonas@stakerdao.com Telegram: https://t.me/JonasLamis Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonaslamis
Jonas Lamis
Founder and CEO at StakerDAO

Jonas Lamis
Jonas Lamis is the Founder and CEO at StakerDAO. He is a long time participant in Tezos where he ran one of the largest public validators, Tezos.Capital. Previously, Jonas was the Founder and CEO of Sensai (Acquired 2016), a software firm that used deep learning techniques to analyze textual data.
Jonas holds engineering degrees from Purdue and Georgia Institute of Technology and he lives in Palo Alto, CA.

Olaf Carlson-Wee
Founder and CEO at Polychain Capital

Olaf Carlson-Wee
Olaf Carlson-Wee is the founder and CIO of Polychain Capital. He was the first employee at Coinbase, the first billion-dollar cryptocurrency company, where he became Head of Risk. He received a civilian award from Homeland Security for technical analysis of the blockchain in a $10,000,000 cyber crime case and has a patent pending for the Bitcoin Host Computer System, a multi-authorization bitcoin storage mechanism. Olaf also educated the economic advisor to President Obama on blockchain technology and has given numerous public facing technical talks on private key security and fraud prevention at scale. Olaf first entered the blockchain market in 2011 when he wrote his senior thesis on Bitcoin at Vassar College.

Luke Youngblood
Staff Software Engineer at Coinbase Custody

Luke Youngblood
Staff Software Engineer at Coinbase Custody. Luke is the founder and CEO of Blockscale, an early pioneer of blockchain and crypto technologies. In 2018, he helped launch the Tezos network by creating the staking infrastructure for the Tezos Foundation, becoming the largest decentralized proof of stake validator in the world overnight. Since then, Blockscale has successfully generated over 20 million XTZ in baking rewards and operates highly available API endpoints for Tezos that are used by major wallet providers. Luke currently works as a staff software engineer at Coinbase Custody, where he launched Tezos Staking Rewards.

Proposal 001 — “Hello World” was submitted by the Ops Team and approved by the StakerDAO Council.
The primary purpose of this proposal was to introduce the StakerDAO governance process. In this proposal, we proposed potential product offerings for the near future for which development and release is and was dependent on STKR token holder interest and community debate.

All the best,
The StakerDAO Team

Stay tuned to more StakerDAO news
Telegram channel: @stakercommunity

*StakerDAO is a tradename of Staker Services Ltd., a Cayman exempt corporation. References herein to StakerDAO are to Staker Services Ltd.*




StakerDAO is a platform for governing financial assets in a decentralized, secure, and compliant manner.