A Retrospective on the Staker (STKR) Treasury

2 min readMay 20, 2021

Over the last two months, Staker (STKR) has been deployed across a variety of initiatives to push the Staker ecosystem forward. These initiatives include:

  • Funding new projects
  • Increasing the liquidity of existing projects
  • Marketing and bounties

But most of all, distributing STKR into the hands of the community that will lead Staker forward.

Let’s dive into how STKR has exactly been used.

The total represents almost 5% of the total supply. We also expect to deploy Staker for approved proposals related to farming on Quipuswap for wXTZ/XTZ, STKR/XTZ, and kUSD/XTZ and on Uniswap for STKR/ETH. The STKR tokens to be used for Quipuswap will vary week by week for the 90 days following its launch while the STKR used on Uniswap are specified to be 750,000 over 90 days.

So how much STKR does the community have to use?

Over the next two years, 50% (150,000,000) of the STKR supply has been allocated to the community, but today, we have about 25,500,000 STKR tokens fully unlocked. These tokens will reside in a community treasury/multisig, which can be seen here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x42730C6adA38863908C4d34Ac94B95e7553363eB

Every month, several million STKR tokens will unlock to the community, but will vary depending on how STKR is spent in the future. This treasury will also accumulate fees as the community decides to charge them over time. It is fully expected that the Treasury may hold other assets like USDC or over time, assets on different networks.

Use the treasury wisely Staker supporters.




StakerDAO is a platform for governing financial assets in a decentralized, secure, and compliant manner.